Monday, April 27, 2015

Can Not Be Appeased And Trust With Iranian Regime .

The Iranian regime's human rights record is catastrophic. 120,000 political prisoners killed under the current regime in 1982/.30,000 political prisoners massacred within few months in 1988/ Hundreds of thousands have been imprisoned and tortured on political grounds/700 people executed in 2012 until the end of November, 354 of whom were officially announced and 346 were secretly executed/48% of those executed are between 20 and 30 years of age. Minors form 6% of total executions/70 people arrested every hour, many or ‘morality’ and political charges/74 types of torture used against prisoners
Right now they have executed 115 prisoners  only  in two weeks . They   hanged  70-year-old man after 14 years of imprisonment .
In its nuclear program they have a lies and deceptions case .

Iranian regime cannot be trusted .

They  are middling  in all of the countries, Yamane, Iraq , Syria, and so on .
Now it’s a question . What’s international community  responsibilities ?. How can we resolve these problems? . 
Its better listen to Dowlat Norouzi  speech :


  1. The Iranian government needs to create the climate of fear for this reason it did this crimes.

  2. Unfortunately, These crimes are daily in the Iran's street.
